Brain Fitness
What is Brain Fitness?
"Brain Fitness" is the state of the brain in which our body remains fit and active. The healthy mind can perform all activities properly.
Without the brain health life is meaningless. The weak-minded person performs strange activities. It is essential to take care of your health to achieve your goals.
There are many ways to measure the power of brain like memory, focus on the task, ability to work, concentration, confusion level, decision making, taking a stand on the decision, emotional feelings and mental flexibility. The top scientists of the world are working so hard to introduce the unique theory "How to measure brain fitness?" with the sensitive experiments of the neurones. According to our information, this theory will be presented in 2022.
How to maintain brain fitness:
According to the research, the brain works like a muscle. If you work out regularly with the brain, then it would be impaired gradually. Here we will discuss the tips for brain fitness:
- Regular exercise:
It would help if you took exercise daily. The physical activity should be your part of life. Exercise provides more oxygen to your brain, which increases your memory, decision power, and improves your reaction time. If you want any awareness and fitness equipment for exercise you can visit our site.
- Boost your nutrition level:
Good use of whole grains, dairy products, and leafy greens are useful for brain health. Vitamin B is essential for brain fitness. The major sources of vitamin B are milk, eggs, cheese, green vegetables like spinach, fruits, such as citrus, banana, and watermelon, meat, chicken, kidney, nuts like peanut and other dry nuts. A lot of different sources of vitamin B are available in this vast world.
- Reading habit:
Keep your brain present and active in the changes in the world. Analyze every condition of your surrounding. The brain cells remain active when we take work with them. To active your brain memory, you should adopt the reading habit. Reading brains remain health and enjoyable.
- Challenge your brain:
As we have discussed that our brain is like a muscle as it faces challenges, it becomes stronger. The brain challenges are speaking more than one language, reading books, learning skills, play puzzle games and all sort of activities that urges us for brain-storming.
- Take regular relax:
When we force our brain work excessively the ability our brain neurons start damage due to which our brain fitness destroyed and all the body parts infected. Especially your habits become rude. You should schedule your relaxation routine weekly.
- Manage your health:
It is a vital point to maintain your health condition for brain fitness. The bad body condition directly attacks your mental health in for of stress and depression. You can recover every disease if you are mentally healthy. But if you are depressed your current disease increase which is so dangerous. You should consult with your regular doctor after the period to prevent yourself from future diseases.
- Experience your brain socially:
Watch the games show on question-answer bases and involve with your family in games. Also, it would help if you had some friends to discuss your emotions. You should meet with the people and understand the conditions of people. It would be best if you kept your brain busy. The engagement with others supports your maid to remain active.
- Enjoy your life:
The enjoyment is a powerful tool for brain fitness. You should enjoy your every event of your health. Without enjoying your life, all the diets and exercises are vain for brain health. We should enjoy even our teacup. All the stress and anxieties are part of our life. We should accept these ups and downs. The ups and downs are sources of stress. It is another topic 'how to overcome stress?' We will discuss these important topics in the next articles.
How brain health damages:
Now we will discuss some damaging brain habits:
- Overuse of sugar:
When people take sugar excessive regularly, our digestive system disturbs gradually due to which our stomach does not serve appropriate nutrients to our blood, so our brain desecrates very severely. This process of lack of nutrition is malnutrition. It can deter our brain growth. The question is "how our body development deter due to the disturbance of our brain?". When our blood does not accept the nutritions by the digestive system, then our body development stops in the result. That is why the brain is a vital part of our body.
- Non enough sleep:
We can face several issues such that depression, drowsiness, stress and impaired memory due to the deprivation of sleep. "Hippocampus" is the part of the brain which harmed very effectively because of lack of sleep. Improper sleep can disturb the ability to memorize the latest knowledge. The deprivation of sleep can damage the cells of the brain which organize our memory system.
- Missing of breakfast:
A lot of people are habitual of missing breakfast, mostly student. Majority reveals common reason busy. After the long and proper sleep, our body needs to get high nutrition. After sleeping, our brain can work maximum. It can absorb more proteins and other elements that are useful for our health. The whole day depends on our breakfast. The breakfast should be very nutritious and robust. According to the researchers, it has been proved those children that miss breakfast can not perform accurately in the schools. Skipping breakfast is the first massive mistake of the day.
- Lack of water:
80% of our brain is water. Our brain needs proper water to perform tasks rapidly and focused on the goal. It is essential to be hydrated every time. Plenty usage of water can become fit our brain for improved functions.
- Overeating:
Overeating damage our arteries and other blood vessels which can because of heart attack and other life-threatening diseases. It also stops the brain vessels, which can be harmful to our brain. It is very dangerous for brain fitness.
- Smoking:
Smoking is the worst disease for humans. Smoking causes cancer. Many people think that smoking is the source of joy and happiness but its huge misconception. It destroys the neurons of the brain.
All the discussed habits can be improved by awareness. Without awareness, we can not change our society. If you have any confusion about "brain fitness" you can discuss with us.
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