Brain Fitness
What is Brain Fitness? "Brain Fitness" is the state of the brain in which our body remains fit and active. The healthy mind can perform all activities properly. Without the brain health life is meaningless. The weak-minded person performs strange activities. It is essential to take care of your health to achieve your goals. There are many ways to measure the power of brain like memory, focus on the task, ability to work, concentration, confusion level, decision making, taking a stand on the decision, emotional feelings and mental flexibility. The top scientists of the world are working so hard to introduce the unique theory "How to measure brain fitness?" with the sensitive experiments of the neurones. According to our information, this theory will be presented in 2022. How to maintain brain fitness: According to the research, the brain works like a muscle. If you work out regularly with the brain, then it would be impaired gradually. Here we will discuss the ...